Fantastic find of rare Iittala Kimara Whiskey Glasses by Timo Sarpeneva at a thift shop.
Timo Sarpeneva designed these for Iittala Finland in 1979 as part of the i-lasi range of glassware. The range of Kimara glasses included this Whiskey/Water glass and a Shot glass (at least).
I saw these on the shelf and although I did not recognise the pattern, I really liked the design. On closer inspection I found a partial sticker on 2 of the glasses and knew I had found an Iittala treasure. I would have bought them anyway as they were only $12 for the set of 4.
I have a small Iittala collection and can recognise many of the designs but I have never seen this one before and it took about 30 minutes on the internet to find a picture of the same glass and the name. Even then, there were only a few references and even fewer glasses for sale on-line. A rare find indeed. Iittala Kimara Glasses
I will be writing an article about Iittala Finland glass soon so watch this space.
To see the MCM glass I have for sale on eBay please click here.
For more on Scandinavian glass please read my Mid-Century Glass article.
For more on Timo Sarpeneva please read
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