Iittala Kimara Whiskey Glass from a thrift shop

Fantastic find of rare Iittala Kimara Whiskey Glasses by Timo Sarpeneva at a thift shop.

Iittala Kimara Whiskey Glasses

Iittala Kimara Whiskey Glasses

Iittala Finland Kimara Glass

Iittala Finland Kimara Glass












Timo Sarpeneva designed these for Iittala Finland in 1979 as part of the i-lasi range of glassware. The range of Kimara glasses included this Whiskey/Water glass and a Shot glass (at least).

I saw these on the shelf and although I did not recognise the pattern, I really liked the design. On closer inspection I found a partial sticker on 2 of the glasses and knew I had found an Iittala treasure.  I would have bought them anyway as they were only $12 for the set of 4.

I have a small Iittala collection and can recognise many of the designs but I have never seen this one before and it took about 30 minutes on the internet to find a picture of the same glass and the name.  Even then, there were only a few references and even fewer glasses for sale on-line.  A rare find indeed. Iittala Kimara Glasses

I will be writing an article about Iittala Finland glass soon so watch this space.

To see the MCM glass I have for sale on eBay please click here.

For more on Scandinavian glass please read my Mid-Century Glass article.

For more on Timo Sarpeneva please read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timo_Sarpaneva.

Happy Bargain Hunting and Collecting

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