Monthly Archives June 2024

Star Wars Paperbacks for Sale Legends & Canon

Star Wars Paperbacks for Sale Legends & Canon I have over 100 Star Wars paperback novels for sale. I have been reading Star Wars novels since the 1980s in order to escape from the real world for a while.  have almost al the novels published up until about 2010. Anyway, all those little escapes added up to a lot of books. Now that I am downsizing, they all have to go. I have already listed some of the oldest ones
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Pontiac Tea Set from Newtone Bakewells Art Deco Style

Pontiac Tea Set from Newtone Bakewell Brothers Pottery Sydney. The fabulous Art Deco styling of this tea set jumped out at me from Facebook Marketplace. Could it really be an example of the very rare Pontiac Tea Set made by Bakewell’s Pottery  between 1935-40? I had to find out, so I snapped it up. So what do you think? Have I found a treasure. It is definitively the same shape and size (made from the same mould?) as the 2
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Daisy Merton Hand Painted Newtone Vase from Bakewells

Daisy Merton Hand Painted Newtone Vase from Bakewell Brothers Pottery Sydney.                   Yes, you can still find fabulous gems in Op Shops. I have to admit that I found this one last year and did a draft post and never finished it. I just picked up another fabulous Bakewell’s piece and realised that I had to finish and publish this post first. You may already be aware that I am a Bakewell’s
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